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Zkysnk - Assassins Creed 2

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Assassins Creed 2
















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Při hraní dvojky se podíváme do Florencie a do Benátek (skoro určitě ale bude i Řím) a producent AC 2, Sebastion Puel, vysvětluje proč, Florencie a Benátky patří mezi nejnavštěvovanější města na světě. Pro spoustu lidí jsou čistou fantazií, snem. Vývojáři si dávají záležet na důvěryhodnosti prostor a událostí, které modelují – chtějí vytvořit hru z nefalšované Itálie 15. století. Příběh odstartuje v roce 1476 a opět se bude točit okolo nekonečné, v pozadí velkých událostí běžící válce mezi templáři a asasíny. Ezio Auditore de Firenze, hlavní hrdina dvojky, má s Altairem společné snad jen geny. Ezio pochází ze zámožné florencké rodiny, je vzdělaný a učil se i základům tehdejších bojových umění. Prostě jeden z těch lepších šlechticů. Nepřítele budete moci odzbrojit a sundat ho jeho vlastní zbraní. Nebo mu můžete hodit prach do očí a omráčit ho. Když okolo vás bude stát celý hlouček zlounů, otočka s halapartnou v ruce udělá své. Také se nabízí možnost přitáhnout si nepřítele bleskově k tělu, prošpikovat ho a mrskout jim proti ostatním, čímž si vytvoříte únikovou cestu.

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25.12.2010, 06:39:01  Jirka   (aktualizace 19.04.2022, 05:01:21) [Odpovdt] 
dobrý den koupil jsem si originální DVD hry Assassin´s Creed II a nefunguje. Jak je Ubisoft Autopatch tak mi to přestane stahovat nebo co to má dělat a napíše mi to: Trying to get update information to C:\DOCUME~1\David\LOCALS~1\Temp\ubi24.tmp. Found update (Patch, all, all). Trying to download update file from http://static3.cdn.ubi.com/assassins_creed_2/assassins_creed_2_1.01_cz.exe. Destination: C:\DOCUME~1\David\LOCALS~1\Temp\ubi25.tmp.exe. Fatal download error (The requested URL returned error: 404). Deleting downloaded data. Prosím poraďte někdo, už sem to zkušel i odinstalovat a opětovně nainstalovat. fakt mi budu vděčný kdo mi pomůže :-(
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13.11.2014, 14:49:47  Haley
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13.11.2014, 15:48:48  Heath
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13.11.2014, 16:45:54  Autumn
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13.11.2014, 17:43:05  Titus
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15.11.2014, 07:47:29  Neville
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16.11.2014, 09:42:05  Brendan
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 09:42:05  Brenton
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16.11.2014, 09:42:05  Victor
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16.11.2014, 09:42:05  Curt
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 09:42:05  Frankie
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 09:42:05  Eldridge
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 09:42:05  Lamont
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 09:42:05  Mikel
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 09:42:05  Casey
Re: nejde
good material thanks http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/188/ 185 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/111/ 191 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/79/ 199 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=109 102 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/45/ 135 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=126 150 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/41/ 167 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/37/ 120
16.11.2014, 09:42:05  Kraig
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 11:35:42  Vaughn
Re: nejde
Where do you study? http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=173 228 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/167/ 268 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/53/ 298 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/52/ 221 http://plaanaa.com/post/145/ 260 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/74/ 299 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=99 202 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/137/ 267 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/168/ 211 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=72 232
16.11.2014, 11:35:42  Porter
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 11:35:42  Nicolas
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 11:35:42  Irving
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 11:35:42  Steep777
Re: nejde
Directory enquiries http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/167/ 268 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/56/ 241 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=56 272 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/90/ 284 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/52/ 280 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/193/ 300 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/137/ 267 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=13 224
16.11.2014, 11:35:42  Dominique
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 11:35:42  Megan
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 11:35:42  Caroline
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 11:35:42  Alfredo
Re: nejde
I'm doing a phd in chemistry http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/176/ 254 http://plaanaa.com/post/50/ 264 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/177/ 265 http://plaanaa.com/post/38/ 213 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/151/ 293 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/24/ 239 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=99 202 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=5 288 http://plaanaa.com/post/149/ 247 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=13 224
16.11.2014, 11:35:42  Makayla
Re: nejde
How much is a First Class stamp? http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/116/ 240 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/56/ 241 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=3 204 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/42/ 203 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/195/ 270 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/24/ 239 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/42/ 278 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/16/ 277
16.11.2014, 13:29:59  Anderson
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 13:29:59  Dexter
Re: nejde
Good crew it's cool :) http://plaanaa.com/post/54/ 341 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/31/ 303 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/110/ 316 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=174 382 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/106/ 360 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/174/ 343 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/121/ 389 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/159/ 335 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=58 350 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/97/ 374 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/162/ 363
16.11.2014, 13:29:59  Jarrod
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 13:29:59  Jennifer
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 13:29:59  Sofia
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 13:29:59  Terry
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 13:29:59  Gregory
Re: nejde
Yes, I love it! http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/9/ 336 http://plaanaa.com/post/25/ 334 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/165/ 386 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/30/ 329 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/86/ 337 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/136/ 327 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/106/ 360 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=58 350 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/83/ 338 http://plaanaa.com/post/197/ 317 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=179 355
16.11.2014, 13:29:59  Alvaro
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 13:29:59  Normand
Re: nejde
Jonny was here http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/154/ 396 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/136/ 327 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/110/ 316 http://plaanaa.com/post/88/ 348 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/159/ 335 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/148/ 390 http://plaanaa.com/post/197/ 317 http://plaanaa.com/post/180/ 314 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=179 355
16.11.2014, 13:29:59  Sammy
Re: nejde
Which year are you in? http://plaanaa.com/post/185/ 368 http://plaanaa.com/post/25/ 334 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=130 340 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/69/ 358 http://plaanaa.com/post/136/ 384 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/77/ 308 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/75/ 381 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/31/ 303 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/122/ 318 http://plaanaa.com/post/150/ 346 http://plaanaa.com/post/14/ 377
16.11.2014, 15:26:45  Garry
Re: nejde
I work for a publishers http://plaanaa.com/post/191/ 408 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/174/ 492 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/20/ 448 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=108 453 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=22 419 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/171/ 474 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=83 432 http://plaanaa.com/post/69/ 445
16.11.2014, 15:26:45  Garland
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 15:26:45  Camila
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 15:26:45  Danial
Re: nejde
How would you like the money? http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=180 407 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/140/ 454 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/109/ 410 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=108 453 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/141/ 402 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=136 435 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/54/ 477 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/155/ 430
16.11.2014, 15:26:45  Ambrose
Re: nejde
Accountant supermarket manager http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/135/ 475 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/89/ 462 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=139 495 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/129/ 449 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/128/ 482 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=131 443 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/141/ 402 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/186/ 457 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/150/ 483
16.11.2014, 15:26:45  Brendon
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 15:26:45  Charley
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 15:26:45  Robin
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16.11.2014, 15:26:45  Booker
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 15:26:45  Ronald
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 16:24:45  Branden
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16.11.2014, 16:24:45  Nicholas
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16.11.2014, 16:24:45  Delmer
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 16:24:45  Deangelo
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16.11.2014, 16:24:45  Luis
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16.11.2014, 17:25:34  Harris
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 17:25:34  Malcolm
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 17:25:34  Claudio
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 17:25:34  Aidan
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 17:25:34  Trenton
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 17:25:34  Bruce
Re: nejde
I'm in my first year at university http://plaanaa.com/post/147/ 537 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/99/ 513 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/98/ 516 http://plaanaa.com/post/137/ 582 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/19/ 600 http://plaanaa.com/post/87/ 578 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/30/ 511 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/8/ 563
16.11.2014, 17:25:34  Emilio
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 17:25:34  Chang
Re: nejde
Do you like it here? http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/57/ 585 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/22/ 576 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=55 541 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/152/ 581 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/161/ 521 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/58/ 594 http://plaanaa.com/post/126/ 531 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/117/ 517 http://plaanaa.com/post/177/ 532 http://plaanaa.com/post/178/ 506
16.11.2014, 17:25:34  Lucky
Re: nejde
I'm afraid that number's ex-directory http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/57/ 585 http://plaanaa.com/post/131/ 528 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/178/ 551 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=90 522 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/114/ 529 http://plaanaa.com/post/27/ 565 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/198/ 510 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/110/ 542 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/27/ 579 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/21/ 519 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=184 577
16.11.2014, 17:25:34  Hobert
Re: nejde
Could you ask her to call me? http://plaanaa.com/post/131/ 528 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/57/ 585 http://plaanaa.com/post/125/ 568 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/117/ 596 http://plaanaa.com/post/27/ 565 http://plaanaa.com/post/78/ 562 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=169 543 http://plaanaa.com/post/174/ 560 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/21/ 519 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/30/ 511 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/69/ 544
16.11.2014, 19:26:45  Orval
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 19:26:45  Abraham
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 19:26:45  Leonard
Re: nejde
Can you put it on the scales, please? http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/127/ 668 http://plaanaa.com/post/29/ 676 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/75/ 660 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/123/ 605 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/179/ 687 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=52 614 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/95/ 632 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=92 656
16.11.2014, 19:26:45  Weldon
Re: nejde
I didn't go to university http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/197/ 626 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=49 634 http://plaanaa.com/post/121/ 652 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/76/ 610 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/5/ 603 http://plaanaa.com/post/23/ 639 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/39/ 609 http://plaanaa.com/post/36/ 700 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/189/ 677 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/158/ 663
16.11.2014, 19:26:45  Raymond
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 19:26:45  Chris
Re: nejde
I don't know what I want to do after university http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/92/ 685 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/127/ 668 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/29/ 612 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/100/ 651 http://plaanaa.com/post/55/ 654 http://plaanaa.com/post/29/ 676 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/164/ 665 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=107 662 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=48 621 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/75/ 660 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/85/ 646
16.11.2014, 19:26:45  Walker
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 19:26:45  Lester
Re: nejde
I've got a full-time job http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=49 634 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=107 662 http://plaanaa.com/post/21/ 608 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/113/ 695 http://plaanaa.com/post/152/ 613 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=132 650 http://plaanaa.com/post/133/ 647 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/85/ 646 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/158/ 663
16.11.2014, 19:26:45  Matthew
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 19:26:45  Pablo
Re: nejde
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16.11.2014, 21:26:38  Grace
Re: nejde
Do you know each other? http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/40/ 768 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/92/ 739 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=160 770 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/179/ 800 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/194/ 794 http://plaanaa.com/post/114/ 750 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/151/ 725 http://plaanaa.com/post/104/ 714 http://plaanaa.com/post/181/ 724
16.11.2014, 21:26:38  Christoper
Re: nejde
Insert your card http://plaanaa.com/post/79/ 728 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/200/ 775 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/134/ 776 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/164/ 795 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/68/ 718 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=118 780 http://plaanaa.com/post/9/ 705 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=37 719 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/26/ 746 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/151/ 725
16.11.2014, 21:26:38  Richard
Re: nejde
A jiffy bag http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/200/ 775 http://plaanaa.com/post/45/ 785 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/167/ 796 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/123/ 771 http://plaanaa.com/post/101/ 742 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/37/ 748 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/126/ 753 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/38/ 789 http://plaanaa.com/post/104/ 714 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/63/ 797
16.11.2014, 21:26:38  Vince
Re: nejde
What sort of music do you like? http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/181/ 736 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=166 726 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/148/ 729 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/123/ 771 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/167/ 796 http://plaanaa.com/post/161/ 769 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/183/ 703 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=137 713 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/38/ 789 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=124 738 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/140/ 720
16.11.2014, 21:26:38  Louis
Re: nejde
perfect design thanks http://plaanaa.com/post/59/ 791 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/65/ 740 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=199 762 http://plaanaa.com/post/199/ 752 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/46/ 721 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=118 780 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/12/ 793 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/68/ 790 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=84 711
16.11.2014, 21:26:38  Seth
Re: nejde
Have you got any ? http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/89/ 758 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/114/ 737 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=119 784 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=2 708 http://plaanaa.com/post/168/ 779 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/12/ 793 http://plaanaa.com/post/9/ 705 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/199/ 735 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=78 747
16.11.2014, 21:26:38  Lightsoul
Re: nejde
What sort of music do you like? http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/148/ 729 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/89/ 758 http://plaanaa.com/post/123/ 798 http://plaanaa.com/post/168/ 779 http://plaanaa.com/post/9/ 705 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/179/ 800 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/91/ 778 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=154 701 http://plaanaa.com/post/72/ 767 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/26/ 746 http://plaanaa.com/post/58/ 756
16.11.2014, 21:26:38  Columbus
Re: nejde
Are you a student? http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/65/ 740 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=199 762 http://plaanaa.com/post/123/ 798 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/153/ 710 http://plaanaa.com/post/168/ 779 http://plaanaa.com/post/9/ 705 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/194/ 794 http://plaanaa.com/post/22/ 744 http://plaanaa.com/post/181/ 724 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/96/ 745 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/63/ 797
16.11.2014, 21:26:38  Brayden
Re: nejde
I'm doing a masters in law http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/92/ 764 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/148/ 729 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/167/ 796 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=7 782 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/16/ 743 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/145/ 788 http://plaanaa.com/post/72/ 767 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/138/ 731
16.11.2014, 21:26:38  Dwayne
Re: nejde
How much were you paid in your last job? http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/65/ 740 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/114/ 737 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=71 765 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/59/ 716 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/131/ 760 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/126/ 753 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=32 757 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/26/ 746 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/200/ 717 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/100/ 706
16.11.2014, 23:26:01  Abram
Re: nejde
What do you want to do when you've finished? http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/141/ 886 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/115/ 858 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/88/ 853 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/125/ 860 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=64 888 http://plaanaa.com/post/18/ 894 http://plaanaa.com/post/120/ 847 http://plaanaa.com/post/43/ 883 http://plaanaa.com/post/119/ 856
16.11.2014, 23:26:01  Lawrence
Re: nejde
Have you got any ? http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/196/ 884 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/80/ 879 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/88/ 853 http://plaanaa.com/post/20/ 861 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/158/ 819 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/163/ 878 http://plaanaa.com/post/116/ 873 http://plaanaa.com/post/120/ 847 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/160/ 844 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/192/ 820 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/55/ 863
16.11.2014, 23:26:01  Augustine
Re: nejde
Free medical insurance http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=101 834 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/115/ 858 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/112/ 871 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/128/ 810 http://plaanaa.com/post/107/ 842 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/11/ 899 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/55/ 863 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=80 832 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/146/ 806
16.11.2014, 23:26:01  Erich
Re: nejde
A few months http://plaanaa.com/post/64/ 807 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=106 826 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=100 868 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/181/ 876 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/170/ 816 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/169/ 889 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/17/ 825 http://plaanaa.com/post/140/ 855
16.11.2014, 23:26:01  Mariano
Re: nejde
The manager http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=101 834 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/141/ 886 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/115/ 858 http://plaanaa.com/post/183/ 841 http://plaanaa.com/post/65/ 898 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=16 818 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/192/ 820 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/9/ 866 http://plaanaa.com/post/119/ 856
16.11.2014, 23:26:01  Gregorio
Re: nejde
How much does the job pay? http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/124/ 851 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/88/ 864 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/195/ 822 http://plaanaa.com/post/167/ 837 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=149 896 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=70 895 http://plaanaa.com/post/135/ 892 http://plaanaa.com/post/141/ 823 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/79/ 882 http://plaanaa.com/post/119/ 856
16.11.2014, 23:26:01  Jordon
Re: nejde
This site is crazy :) http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/145/ 836 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/32/ 875 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=106 826 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/88/ 864 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=70 895 http://plaanaa.com/post/90/ 849 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=189 870 http://plaanaa.com/post/63/ 817
16.11.2014, 23:26:01  Nicole
Re: nejde
I'd like to change some money http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/27/ 812 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=39 840 http://plaanaa.com/post/167/ 837 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/158/ 819 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/115/ 867 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/81/ 874 http://plaanaa.com/post/63/ 817 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/63/ 811 http://plaanaa.com/post/43/ 883
16.11.2014, 23:26:01  Bradly
Re: nejde
Can you put it on the scales, please? http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/102/ 885 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=149 896 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/196/ 884 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=70 895 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=110 805 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/169/ 889 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/9/ 866 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=97 845
16.11.2014, 23:26:01  Raymundo
Re: nejde
No, I'm not particularly sporty http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=106 826 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/190/ 833 http://plaanaa.com/post/167/ 837 http://plaanaa.com/post/65/ 898 http://plaanaa.com/post/141/ 823 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/88/ 853 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=138 900 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/169/ 889 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/6/ 857 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/192/ 820 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=97 845
17.11.2014, 01:18:57  Booker
Re: nejde
I'm on a course at the moment http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/172/ 968 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/137/ 954 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/178/ 958 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=135 972 http://plaanaa.com/post/75/ 965 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=153 981 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/54/ 982 http://plaanaa.com/post/189/ 983
17.11.2014, 01:18:57  Angelo
Re: nejde
i'm fine good work http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/145/ 985 http://plaanaa.com/post/190/ 928 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/58/ 929 http://plaanaa.com/post/95/ 941 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=135 972 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=23 969 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=143 979 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/30/ 989 http://plaanaa.com/post/179/ 947
17.11.2014, 01:18:57  Jeffrey
Re: nejde
A jiffy bag http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/59/ 933 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/137/ 954 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=135 972 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/14/ 927 http://plaanaa.com/post/192/ 901 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/10/ 987 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=31 914 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/158/ 945
17.11.2014, 01:18:57  Edmond
Re: nejde
Could you tell me my balance, please? http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/70/ 926 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/32/ 951 http://plaanaa.com/post/82/ 922 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=156 962 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/86/ 952 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/118/ 959 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/135/ 942 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=17 993 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/144/ 902 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/10/ 987 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/158/ 945
17.11.2014, 01:18:57  Albert
Re: nejde
Sorry, you must have the wrong number http://plaanaa.com/post/61/ 975 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/137/ 954 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=156 962 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=23 969 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=182 913 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/22/ 999 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/47/ 935 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=31 914 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=76 917 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=87 966
17.11.2014, 01:18:57  Darius
Re: nejde
How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? http://plaanaa.com/post/190/ 928 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/59/ 933 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/20/ 961 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/22/ 999 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=122 957 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/192/ 925 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=76 917 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/39/ 924 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/154/ 997 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/140/ 906
17.11.2014, 01:18:57  Abraham
Re: nejde
Can I use your phone? http://plaanaa.com/post/61/ 975 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/70/ 926 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/133/ 912 http://plaanaa.com/post/75/ 965 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/184/ 908 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/48/ 915 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=122 957 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/12/ 974
17.11.2014, 01:18:57  Pitfighter
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 01:18:57  Jacques
Re: nejde
A staff restaurant http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/104/ 936 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/133/ 912 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/58/ 929 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/176/ 984 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/108/ 939 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/54/ 982 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/20/ 905 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=91 973 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/60/ 920 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/10/ 987
17.11.2014, 01:18:57  Rodrick
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 03:10:37  August
Re: nejde
What's the exchange rate for euros? http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=42 75 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/168/ 96 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/127/ 81 http://plaanaa.com/post/143/ 69 http://plaanaa.com/post/31/ 21 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=44 80 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=30 5 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=123 38 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/147/ 56
17.11.2014, 03:10:37  Incomeppc
Re: nejde
What qualifications have you got? http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=42 75 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/78/ 85 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/38/ 68 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/11/ 71 http://plaanaa.com/post/194/ 62 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/106/ 59 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/104/ 13 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/76/ 93 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/6/ 60 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/97/ 83
17.11.2014, 03:10:37  Reinaldo
Re: nejde
I hate shopping http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/15/ 36 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/101/ 29 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/49/ 58 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/132/ 79 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/76/ 93 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/6/ 60 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=67 70 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/45/ 73 http://plaanaa.com/post/99/ 31 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/74/ 44
17.11.2014, 03:10:37  Scott
Re: nejde
Withdraw cash http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/130/ 28 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/168/ 96 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=104 8 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/135/ 92 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/79/ 42 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/15/ 78 http://plaanaa.com/post/99/ 31 http://plaanaa.com/post/94/ 25 http://plaanaa.com/post/33/ 32
17.11.2014, 03:10:37  Antone
Re: nejde
I didn't go to university http://plaanaa.com/post/166/ 26 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/130/ 28 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=133 4 http://plaanaa.com/post/194/ 62 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/106/ 59 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/105/ 16 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/114/ 50 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=192 11 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/41/ 55
17.11.2014, 03:10:37  Stewart
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 03:10:37  Wilford
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 03:10:37  Josue
Re: nejde
Sorry, you must have the wrong number http://plaanaa.com/post/57/ 12 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/56/ 51 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=200 65 http://plaanaa.com/post/26/ 3 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/6/ 60 http://plaanaa.com/post/99/ 31 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/8/ 24 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/33/ 45 http://plaanaa.com/post/81/ 97 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=9 63
17.11.2014, 03:10:37  Dylan
Re: nejde
This is the job description http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/80/ 33 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/62/ 40 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=133 4 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/168/ 96 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=20 98 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/43/ 52 http://plaanaa.com/post/26/ 3 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/104/ 13 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/190/ 49 http://plaanaa.com/post/94/ 25
17.11.2014, 03:10:37  Jennifer
Re: nejde
I'm doing a phd in chemistry http://plaanaa.com/post/10/ 72 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/127/ 81 http://plaanaa.com/post/143/ 69 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/155/ 10 http://www.pmrs.pl/index.php/diff/26/ 100 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/173/ 35 http://esenciadepodcast.com/m/61/ 94 http://www.friendshiptibet.com/itinerary.php?rom=159 90 http://www.lafabricadecarbon.com/page/149/ 87 http://plaanaa.com/post/118/ 77 http://plaanaa.com/post/81/ 97
17.11.2014, 04:09:09  Merrill
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 07:31:37  Johnathon
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 08:21:43  Sanford
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 09:10:48  Trinidad
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 09:59:31  Chong
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 10:50:33  Ismael
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 11:40:48  Seth
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17.11.2014, 12:31:01  Kevin
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 13:21:06  Johnson
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17.11.2014, 13:24:24  Alexa
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 13:24:24  Brady
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 13:24:24  Magic
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17.11.2014, 13:24:24  Sherman
Re: nejde
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17.11.2014, 13:24:24  Ronnie
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s f k v g q y e h [url=http://jacket-malls.co.uk/]belstaff sale[/url] For those just looking for some great Fendi, shopRDR has an assortment of bags and designs to suit your fashion style.Rodeo Drive Resale (shopRDR) has built a reputation of providing amazing deals on handbags, clothing and accessories from the top designers of upscale fashion [url=http://casualwinterjackets.co.uk/]cheap barbour jackets online[/url] [url=http://winter.jacket-mall.co.uk/]canada goose parka uk[/url] November 06, 2012 Rodeo Drive Resale ( ), premier reseller of 100% authentic Tiffany & Co. jewelry, Burberry fashions and Christian Louboutin heels, looks at the recent sales and shares recovery of iconic British luxury brand Burberry.Despite a profit warning released last month, popular label Burberry has reportedly found itself back in the good graces of investors and shoppers, as its recent sales slowdown had not affected its highest spending customers, according to an October 10 story by The Times.Web site invezz quoted Burberry chief executive Angela Ahrendts as saying the following: Against record prior year comparatives, Burberry delivered 8 per cent total revenue growth and 10 per cent retail growth in the first half, albeit slowing in the second quarter. In a more challenging external environment, footfall declined but brand momentum remained strong, particularly with our higher spending luxury consumer. Looking toward the future, Burberry plans to build upon its London presence, and that, although the recent Summer Games attributed to a slow sales quarter, sales are expected to increase thanks to the holiday season. We are actually very excited about London. We just opened our Regent Street flagship store and we're more than delighted with how that's started trading, said Burberry chief financial officer, Stacey Cartwright. We're opening our first menswear stores in Knightsbridge as well. So our presence in London is going to be even more accentuated this third quarter. Lovers of luxury labels such as Burberry, Louis Vuitton and St. John Knits are encouraged to visit shopRDR's wide array of upscale fashions, all of which are backed by a 100% guarantee of authenticity. With over a decade of experience, shoppers return to the popular online reseller for premier savings and everyday deals and promotions, such as the Red with Envy campaign, in which Christian Louboutin heels were offered at amazing prices.ShopRDR's Red with Envy event is just one of several major promotions from the popular online reseller in the past several weeks, as shopRDR held both its Labor Day Weekend sale and its animal print campaign, Walk On The Wild Side last month. The successful Labor Day Weekend sale offered savings of up to 25% off all designer clothing and an additional 15% off all designer shoes with free shipping on orders of $200 or more, as well as 10% off all designer handbags.Rodeo Drive Resale (shopRDR) has built a reputation of providing amazing deals on handbags, clothing and accessories from the top designers of upscale fashion. The company offers a 100% guarantee of authenticity on each item sold, and works daily with a network of clients looking to buy, sell, or for consignment of their luxury goods. ShopRDR loves high end fashion, and believes finding a high quality, classic piece should be an easy, enjoyable and most importantly hassle free shopping experience. For the finest in Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada, Gucci, St. John Knits, Christian Louboutin, Tiffany & Co. and more, visit RDR online at or 888 697 3725. Also find shopRDR's blog at blog.shopRDR. Also find shopRDR at: Blog: blog.shopRDRFacebook: facebook/shopRDRTwitter: twitter/shopRDR YouTube: youtube/ shopRDRPinterest: pinterest/shopRDRRodeo Drive Resale (shopRDR)1 888 697 3725service(at)shopRDRJoin Alibaba, eBay and Amazon to Discuss the Latest Challenges and Opportunities in eCommerce Industry in China [url=http://mcmbagsuk.org.uk/]mcm backpack[/url] [url=http://mcmbagsuk.org.uk/]mcm london 2014[/url] September 18, 2012 With Apple's recent announcement of the iPhone 5, Rodeo Drive Resale ( ), premier reseller of 100% authentic guaranteed Marc Jacobs bags, Tiffany & Company Jewelry, and Louis Vuitton wallets, explores the world of fashion and technology for a futuristic look at a few trends leaving their mark on the runway and the web. 1)PINTEREST SPARKS INTEREST: Expanding upon an already fabulous fashion collection has never been easier thanks to content sharing sites such as Pinterest, which allows users to catalogue their favorite fashion finds and share them with fellow users from around the world. In addition to finding the next great outfit, the social photo sharing website, launched in 2010, can be used to plan weddings, home decoration ideas, back to school tips or a number of other interests. Fashion lovers combine their love of cutting edge style with the latest in social media by uploading and combing through photo collections of styles both new and vintage.2)FROM CLASSY TO GLASSY: Soon you'll get a glimpse into what it's like to design, prepare and experience the Diane von Furstenburg show at New York Fashion Week through Diane's eyes and a few other views, Google announced during a press release earlier this month. True to their word, company co founder Sergey Brin formally introduced the world to Google Glass during a special NYFW showcase. The glasses, which can be used to message friends, make online purchases and share information, are scheduled for release by the end of 2013.3)GAME OF PHONES: Perhaps the most expensive accessory millions of Americans refuse to leave home without, Apple unveiled the iPhone 5 last week, sending brand loyalists rushing to the web to score a glimpse of the latest version of the internationally beloved gizmo. While the iPhone is no Christian Dior belt or Hermes scarf, its reputation as the trendy phone, which launch on Friday, September 21, and new design will quickly make previous iPhones look dated by comparison. Accessory (and gadget) lovers looking to wrap their fingers around the iPhone 5 set to make the holidays especially jolly for the folks at Apple: According to a Washington Post story, the company is predicted to sell 48.2 million iPhones by end of December.4)FAST FASHION: The term fast fashion is used to describe the practice in which designs are rushed from the catwalk to store in order to capture current trends, has done wonders for midrange retail stores, whose customers typi 0 story posted by Just style. Take this to the next level, and as technology gets cheaper and faster then fashion will get faster too. Rodeo Drive Resale (shopRDR) has built a reputation of providing amazing deals on handbags, clothing and accessories from the top designers of upscale fashion. The company offers a 100% guarantee of authenticity on each item sold, and works daily with a network of clients looking to buy, sell, or for consignment of their luxury goods. ShopRDR loves high end fashion, and believes finding a high quality, classic piece should be an easy, enjoyable and most importantly hassle free shopping experience. For the finest in Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada, Gucci, St. John Knits, Christian Louboutin, Tiffany & Co. and more, visit RDR online at or 888 697 3725. Also find shopRDR's blog at blog.shopRDR. Also find shopRDR at:Blog: blog.shopRDRFacebook: facebook/shopRDRTwitter: twitter/shopRDR YouTube: youtube/ shopRDRPinterest: pinterest/shopRDRRodeo Drive Resale (shopRDR)1 888 697 3725service(at)shopRDRCustomized Chocolate Bar Company chocri Wins German Business Start-Up Award and Announces Its Upcoming U.S. Launch [url=http://ugguk.discountsbootssale.co.uk/]ugg uk sale online[/url]
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Now, travelers and local residents can explore the region in a whole new way with Sunsail.The San Francisco Bay area is regarded as one of the world's most beautiful natural harbors and is home to a remarkable landscape where ocean water and steep rolling hills meet eclectic architecture and famous landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, Chinatown, Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz, the Italian district of North Beach, Union Square, and the list goes on. An added attraction to the Bay area is its close proximity to the Napa Valley region, allowing customers to visit many vineyards on an extended sailing itinerary with stops in Benicia, Petaluma, Napa Valley and more.Cheryl Powell, Chief Operating Officer of Sunsail, noted, Also unique to the Bay are consistent wind patterns, varying wind strengths and the ability to sail in enclosed waters, all of which create the perfect arena for a range of activities with conditions matched to experience level. These characteristics make San Francisco the ideal location for our new US based Racing, Schools and Corporate, Meeting & Incentives Programs, in addition to charter vacations. The fleet of Sunsail First 40s will be available for charter to race in numerous local regattas held throughout the year, while the Corporate, Meetings and Incentives industry will also benefit from Sunsail's customized and highly successful programs for Team Building, Client Entertainment, Employee Rewards, Leadership Training and more.Sunsail offers a fully comprehensive range of sailing courses, designed for every level of ability and previous experience. We have courses suitable for families, groups or individuals. Our courses cover everything from the basics of boat handling to advanced sailing skills. Schedule by the cabin or charter a full yacht to gain certification in the ASA 101, 103 and 104 courses. 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Sunsail's yachts offer the best seats in the house to watch all of the America's Cup action, including the 2012 2013 America's Cup World Series (August 11 19, 2012 & August 27 September 2, 2012), Louis Vuitton – AC Challenger Series (July 4 September 1, 2013), and the 34th America's Cup (September 7 22, 2013).The new Sunsail San Francisco base is also an easy reach with excellent highway access, and air travel options via the San Francisco and Oakland International Airports.One Design Fleet: Sunsail First 40The Sunsail fleet in San Francisco will include 8 brand NEW identical Sunsail First 40s, sister ships to the world's largest matched fleet of 42 Sunsail First 40s based in Port Solent, UK. Built by Beneteau and designed by Farr Yacht Design, the First 40 is a thoroughbred sailing yacht, ideal for racing, cruising and learning how to sail, First 40 suits the needs of all sailors and crew. A proven performer, the First 40 took first and second overall in the IRC Division of the 2009 Rolex Sydney to Hobart Race. In the same year it was awarded Crossover Boat of the Year by Sailing World magazine.A new configuration with a 3 cabin/1 head layout offers a tremendous amount of comfort and space without compromising performance. On deck, the spacious open cockpit, large wheel and large sail plan have produced a First 40 ideally suited to racing and cruising. In addition to standard specifications, this outstanding yacht also comes with asymmetric spinnaker, bow sprit, chartplotter, autopilot, electric head, and heating.###About Sunsail:Sunsail offers a wide choice of sailing vacations with over 800 yachts in 30 locations worldwide. Alongside Yacht Charter and Flotilla Sailing vacations, Sunsail also offers Beach Clubs, Sailing Schools, Team Building and Events, and Sunsail Racing. Sunsail was founded in 1974 and is a proud member of TUI Travel® Group. 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De Beers entered Mainland China in 2011 and Jeanne's appointment is a strategic hire to strengthen our position in this key market, as we look to develop and grow the brand in China. Ms. Wang commented, I am thrilled to join De Beers one of the world's most iconic brands, with great potential for strong growth in China. I am honoured to bring to life this unique brand; known for its diamond mastery since 1888 and is synonymous in China with the famous line A Diamond is Forever. I look forward to sharing this unique brand with our Chinese clients who will no doubt appreciate the outstanding beauty of our diamonds and the wondrous artistry of our design collections. Before joining De Beers, Ms Wang was the General Manager of Fashion Division, Chanel China, and a member of the Chanel Executive Management Committee for China, having held positions of increasing responsibility during her 16 year career with Chanel. Ms. Wang was instrumental in building Chanel in China, including the fashion, watch and fine jewellery business. Prior to Chanel, she had acquired significant retail operation experience as the Brand Manager for Max Mara.Ms. Wang obtained her degree in English Literature at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan and her AAS Fashion Design and Merchandising at FIT, New York. She also holds a PED degree from IMD, Lausanne.For further information, please contact:Jennie FarmerBrand Directorjfarmer(at)debeers(dor)comKun ZhangPress & PR Manager, Chinakzhang(at)debeers(dor)comNOTES TO EDITORSTHE DE BEERS DIFFERENCEDe Beers, the Jeweller of Light, creates timeless treasures that reveal and celebrate the wondrous brilliance of women and diamonds. As the definitive destination for diamond jewellery, we have a quest for inner beauty, bringing lightness, femininity and delicacy to our sublime diamond jewellery.Drawing on diamond mastery since 1888, De Beers hand select each diamond for its unique beauty to capture unmatched Fire, Life, and Brilliance. Each unique De Beers creation is the culmination of wondrous artistry and the true beauty of the finest diamonds. De Beers is proud to be the only brand to demonstrate the beauty of its diamonds, using the De Beers Iris. This proprietary technology, found in each De Beers store provides clients with an objective way to see the beauty of their diamond through the eyes of an expert.THE DE BEERS GUARANTEEEach piece of De Beers jewellery is certified with a De Beers passport and each polished diamond above 0.20 carats is microscopi as an independently managed and operated company by LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, the world's leading luxury products group, and De Beers SA, the world's premier diamond mining and marketing company.Openup-Design Will Releases Its X1 Series Fashion Handbags Next Week [url=http://mcmbagsuk.org.uk/]mcm backpack price[/url] [url=http://backpack.mcmbagsuk.org.uk/]mcm online[/url] Orlando, Fla. 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Meanwhile, the rest of family can enjoy fun and adventure at the Four Diamond, Orlando World Center Marriott Resort. The family friendly vacation destination is home to more than one million gallons of liquid refreshment encompassing six diverse pools included the awe inspiring signature lagoon shaped pool featuring an incredible 106 foot waterslide and cascading waterfalls. The resort is also highlighted by an indoor pool, two children's pools, a tranquil spa pool and six revitalizing whirlpool spas. Golf lovers can roll out of bed and play 18 holes before breakfast at the championship Hawk's Landing Golf Club wrapping around the resort's 200 masterfully designed landscaped acres, take in a golf lesson at the Bill Madonna Golf Academy at Hawk's Landing Golf Club or visit the 10,000 square foot spa and fitness center. Additional onsite resort amenities include tennis, basketball, volleyball, video arcade, children's sand play area and award winning dining with 10 tantalizing restaurants and lounges. When the day is through, families can retire to impeccable hideaways in one of the resort's 2,000 guestrooms and suites, featuring Marriott Reviveâ bedding and oversized balconies. Families visiting Orlando in the summer will find it is the perfect destination for a rejuvenating getaway, says Tim Pyne, director of sales and marketing at the Orlando World Center Marriott Resort. Our guests will enjoy the best of both worlds with the finest shopping and accommodations in all of Orlando. The Family Fun for Everyone at the Orlando World Center Marriott Resort is available with rates starting from $209 per room, per night and includes buffet breakfast for two adults daily, plus kids under three eat free at the Solaris. Tax and gratuity are additional. 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09.01.2013, 12:40:20  Andrew
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Jedna zlodějka tě v rámci hlavní dějové linie naučí při šplhání o něco povyskočit výše. Jakmile se tuto schopnost naučíš, už je to jen otázka nalezení té správné cesty nahoru.
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03.06.2011, 22:55:20  Petr R.
Re: hra na listu
jedině ALT plus ESC
06.06.2011, 14:51:02  nina
Re: hra na listu
06.06.2011, 16:27:16  Joe
Re: hra na listu
Nebo alt + tab
21.06.2013, 16:45:09  Jiraiya
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12.06.2013, 12:55:24  Eron   (aktualizace 16.06.2013, 09:00:32) [Odpovdt] 
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12.06.2013, 15:48:45  sdf
Re: Pád na Plochu
Nervat se.
12.06.2013, 17:56:05  Eron
Re: Pád na Plochu
Díky moc, pomohlo to, ale v dalších fázích hry to dělá to samé.. hraju a zničeho nic plesk na plochu...
16.06.2013, 09:00:32  gdfgs
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Mam stejny problem, po par minutach hrani to spadne na plochu....
27.04.2013, 12:48:46  kuba   (aktualizace 27.04.2013, 12:48:46) [Odpovdt] 
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zdravim, nevíte kde je jeden ten symbol v tej florencii, jaky je to to náměstí nemůžu ho najít diky
21.03.2013, 14:28:20  novodav
zdravim, jestli jsi to ještě nenašel - myslíš náměstí San Marco? Vylez na tu věžičku, jak máš hodiny (orloj či co). A nahoře dej orlí zrak na podlahu. Normálně to není vůbec vidět.
19.01.2012, 08:16:17  mp   (aktualizace 17.03.2013, 18:09:39) [Odpovdt] 
Templářské doupě
cs lidi nevíte jak odemknout Templářská doupata????Mám dohranou hru a pořád to tam není.
19.01.2012, 16:08:12  Ron
Re: Templářské doupě
Stazitelny obsah,ve hre neni
20.01.2012, 14:24:28  mp
Re: Templářské doupě
20.01.2012, 15:35:35  Ron
Re: Templářské doupě
Mas original??nemas,pokud bys mel tak se musis zaregistrovat a tam mas DLC stazitzelny obsah k hre a tam sou templarske doupata :)
22.01.2012, 18:00:20  mp
Re: Templářské doupě
mam origos a ktomu origosu byli doplnky Forli v Ohrozeni a Ohnostroj Marnosti.
17.03.2013, 18:09:39  Marco
Re: Templářské doupě
A kde je to DLC. Mam originalku a stejně to nevidim
15.07.2011, 16:53:49  OndryS   (aktualizace 17.03.2013, 17:55:04) [Odpovdt] 
6-tá pečeť haššašína
Ahoj, už mi zbývá poslední pečeť, ale mám problém že nevím jak proběhnout po zdi pokaždé když mi to ukáže co mám zmáčknout tak to udělám, ale stejně Ezio skočí do vody. Už jsem bezradný pomůže mi někdo ? díky.
05.06.2012, 18:37:32  Kaprál Himlštos
Re: 6-tá pečeť haššašína
Taky už mě to pěkně sere, hlavně ten druhej skok od toho štítu, to musel vymyslet pořádnej idiot, buď se odrazí nebo skočí do vody
05.06.2012, 21:10:07  Joe
Re: 6-tá pečeť haššašína
A co takto vy super parani natocit mys ve smeru skoku???trebas tak ze ve chvily skoku otocite mys na dany predmet kam ma skocit????jako za celej AC sem nemel nikdy problem kterej bych neudelal do 1 min.Proste jak mate druhej skok tak natocit mys nic vic.
08.06.2012, 23:33:34  Kokrhel
Re: 6-tá pečeť haššašína
Ten druhej skok je fakt totálně na piču, snad hodinu jsem to zkoušel trénovat a jestli se mi tam podařilo skočit 2x, tak to je moc. Ať dělám, co dělám, různé způsoby, prostě tam nechce vyskočit pravidělně. je to škoda, asi tu 6. peče´t bohužel vynechám.
10.06.2012, 06:56:03  Joe
Re: 6-tá pečeť haššašína
100% musis natocit tu mys co nejvic na ten druhej skok.Je to jen o gripu v ruce
10.06.2012, 09:25:11  Kokrhel
Re: 6-tá pečeť haššašína
Tak už jsem to konečně dokázal, ale byla to fuška. Dá se to i takhle - pohyb dopředu+skok a jak jsem ve výskoku tak pohyb doleva (nebo doprava, záleží na směru skoku)+skok a on letěl požadovaným směrem. Akorát se ty skoky musí správně načasovat
17.03.2013, 17:55:04  Marco
Re: 6-tá pečeť haššašína
Musíš se sprintem rozeběhnout proti zdi- pak zmáčkni (A nebo D) a mezerník.
24.10.2011, 15:37:13  jirka   (aktualizace 17.03.2013, 17:47:52) [Odpovdt] 
pomoc prosím
Ahoj mohl by mě někdo pomoct?V sekci templářů,jak to začíná,že honím toho panduláka a on uteče na věž a zavřou se dveře.Ezio leze na věž,vyleze na balkon a jak dál?Prosím děkuji za radu,Ahoj.
24.10.2011, 19:08:23  Ron (Joe)
Re: pomoc prosím
Zklamu te je ta mbug,ale pokud to budes zkouset hodne dlouho tak jak ses na tom balkonku musis se chytit toho tramu nade dvermi jak je tam ta lucernicka.A tady je ten bug skace ale uz nezachyti,musis to proste zkouset a jesnou se to povede ja to taky udelal.Jen to proste trva dele,ja skakal z prave strany pokud se divas na dvere
24.10.2011, 20:48:49  DAN CRAZY
Re: pomoc prosím
To je ta část jak to s ním sekne a on běží za tou holkou že? :-) Jak říká Ron, skákej a zkoušej :-) Po čase se zachytíš a polezeš bez problémů ;-) Mrknu se po vidku... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ-l5ITwLcU Tady ho máme :-) Zkus to, co přesně tam píše ;-) postav se, jak stojí na tom videu a zmáčkni JEN klávesu pro skok ;-)
26.10.2011, 22:17:04  nezbeda
Re: pomoc prosím
žádnej bug tam neni. jen nesmis využívat standartní kombinaci kláves jako šipka nahoru-myš2-mezerník bo tak nějak. Musíš jenom pokud možno přesně do prostředka pod ten trám, natočit se, SOUČASNĚ JEN ZMÁČKNOUT mezerník-myš2 a měl by tam vyskočit uplně sám..
27.10.2011, 15:46:39  Ron
Re: pomoc prosím
lol a ty siu myslis ze sem to nezkousel???????kdyz rikam ze to neslo jen tak na 1ni pokus tak asi vim co rikam.Stezuje si na to hoooooodne lidi a a tech hoooooodne odpovedi znelo je to bug.Tak ses asi jedinej komu to jde no problem.Vis v cem je ten bug????na tom tramku je lampicka,ta zavazi ve scriptu a potom se to hada s klasickou kladkou na kterou jde udelat akci a hra to nekdy vezme jako okrasny predmet nez tram na skoceni a pokracovani mise.takze asi bug????? .)
04.01.2012, 22:15:18  Pily
Re: pomoc prosím
Opravdu to není bug. Postavíš se pod lampu a jen nesmíš držet šipku nahoru. Pouze klávesu Shift a potom asi dvakrát po sobě mezerník.. Pak vyskočí přímo nahoru z místa...
05.01.2012, 15:37:33  Ron
Re: pomoc prosím
Mno tak sme to kvuli tobe special nainstal znova,delal presne jak si mi to rekl a Wuala.NIC :) proste hokus pokus
05.01.2012, 16:10:22  DAN CRAZY
Re: pomoc prosím
Ronnie, obdivuji tě :-) Já, ikdyž mi hra leží na poličce nade mnou, bych po ní nesáhl a neinstaloval to celé abych tohle zjistil :-) Kor když vím, že mám pravdu
15.01.2012, 10:55:30  Ron
Re: pomoc prosím
Ja te taky obdivuji Crazy to louskat po mne XD to vis sem dizgrafik a dizlektik XD
16.01.2012, 18:58:06  ivca
Re: pomoc prosím
jak bylo zmineno, staci pravy, mezernik a shift :)
16.01.2012, 21:43:54  Ron
Re: pomoc prosím
Hele zenska mam toho odehratyho moc,kvuly tomuto sem to nainstaloval znova!!A NESLO TO!!! :) takze je to chyba a proste zkouset dokud se to nepodari,mne to vzdy vyslo z prava
16.02.2012, 18:02:20  Deathrick
Re: pomoc prosím
hej lidi de to trvalo mi to dlouho ale de
16.02.2012, 18:21:19  DAN CRAZY
Re: pomoc prosím
Ty jo :D Fakt ženská :D Po dlouhé době se tu střetávám s nositelkou genomu XX :D Nebo se možná pletu, některé nicky můžou být kdokoli :D
17.02.2012, 15:37:10  Joe
Re: pomoc prosím
A tak to dopada kdyz hrac uvidi zensky nick XD Hormonalni ulet XD
26.05.2012, 22:26:39  Vřetislávek
Re: pomoc prosím
Tak u týhle části mě s prominutím málem j*blo...v závěru ale opravdu stačí zmáčknout jenom myš a mezerník!!
26.05.2012, 22:52:32  Joe
Re: pomoc prosím
Twl lidi uz mne stim neserte,pokud neni uz opravnej patch coz sem po dohrati hry nezkousel.TAK TO PROSTE TAKLE NEJDE JE TO HOKUS POKUS
21.08.2012, 09:17:44  Rose
Re: pomoc prosím
Včera jsem se dostal přesně do té situace, že mi tam nešlo vyskočit, tak jsem šel jsem a přečetl jsem si, že stačí pouze vyskočit na zídku balkonu, stozupnout si přímo pod lampu a jen zmáčknou myš2+mezerník, tak jsem to zkusil a na první pokus jsem to prošel..;-) Nevím jak je to s těma patchema, ale mě to takhle šlo hned na poprvé..;-)
20.10.2012, 00:51:44  ivca
Re: pomoc prosím
porad na zensky akorat nadavate ale co by jste bez nas delali :P :)
31.10.2012, 16:02:29  Joe
Re: pomoc prosím
Ivco reknu ti co :) nenadavam pouze konstatuji :) pokud by aspon ze 70% nebyly muzi rozeni ocasni casti,tak spoustu uzitecnejch veci jako zily normalne.Ja svoji zenu miluji z celeho gamer srdicka,ale opravdu i ja rad sousosim takze obcas ty posahane kytky,bombosku,nejaky to trycenko koupit musim abych ji to dokazal.Pac k moji radosti by stacilo prijit dom,dat po praci pivko 2 bez nudneho rozmzlovani skocit na vec,dat si cigaretku po dobre odvedene a sobecke praci (milovani je to jen 10 min ,pak je to pro.....nej cas) sobecke myslim jen ja so dat cogaretku a znova pivko zceknout neco v TW dobre se najist teple vecere a jit chrapat a zitra nanovo.Jenze,prijdu dom musim resit potreby domacnosti,zena se stara o decka ja litam s nakupnima taskama,prijdu dom necham zenu odpocinout,dodelam veci a staram se o decka ja,potom konecne lezime v postely a moja a ja total end takze pusa a chrapat.Jo bez vas by bylo lepe.Aspon normalnim chlapum co se umi o sebe postart :))
31.10.2012, 16:08:35  Joe
Re: pomoc prosím
Ale bez nas by svet byl plny Stastnych a TLUSTYCH skaredych zen :) takze gdo je vice potreba????? .)))
01.11.2012, 16:28:01  ivca
Re: pomoc prosím
Joe - krasna slohova prace :) hmmm, kup mi noveho assassina, vibrator a chlapa nepotrebuju :P :D :D
03.11.2012, 00:55:09  DAN CRAZY
Re: pomoc prosím
Rozjeli jste se tu teda hezky :D :D
03.11.2012, 08:15:35  Joe
Re: pomoc prosím
XD az mne bude 50 tak ji ho mozna koupim (vibratora) pac ta na hry moc neni a to je takove moje male Shangri la . Protoze na p.....y uz snad ani nebudu met chut XD mozna pokud bych sel do duchodu tak bych to nejak dal ale pokud pujdu do duchodu v 60-70 kvuly trapnym normam tka nevim jak budu zvladat jeste toto.Byt tebou uzivam si tepleho parku dokud to jde.pokud nemas bobra jeste pod zakonem XD
04.11.2012, 22:47:30  Ivca
Re: pomoc prosím
Joe - diky za rady :) az si zahraju AC3 pujdu do parku :)
05.11.2012, 20:12:48  Joe
Re: pomoc prosím
myslim skutecnej PARK to nebyla metafora XD
17.03.2013, 17:47:52  Marco
Re: pomoc prosím
Rozeběhni se jako když sprintuješ- ve chvíli kdy si na zdi tak zmáčki (A nebo D) a mezerník, ale nesmíš být pod tím trámem.
02.03.2013, 19:44:45  Ezio E   (aktualizace 03.03.2013, 09:08:23) [Odpovdt] 
Vzpomínka - Čepel
Ahoj lidi potřebuju pomoc. Kdykoliv když mám poprvé získat čepel tak se mi to jak si ji nasadím zasekne /ale do menu můžu/Už si s tím nevím rady a tak jestli někdo nezná save na poté, co Ezio si ji vyzkouší... Kdyžtak díky.
03.03.2013, 09:08:23  Sweet Daddeeh Dee
Re: Vzpomínka - Čepel
Ezio už se to tu řešilo... zkus zmáčknout 2 na numerické klávesnici :)
27.12.2012, 23:49:03  Jára   (aktualizace 04.01.2013, 22:03:32) [Odpovdt] 
ahoj mám takovej menší problém, kolečko zbraní normálně otevřu [Q] a když se mi otevře tak tak nevím jak mám vybrat nějakou zbraň, jsem asi fakt blbec, ale jsem fakt v koncích newim si rady už jsem snad vyzkoušel všechno, děkuji za rady
04.01.2013, 22:03:32  Seeker
drž to tlačítko a pohni myší daným směrem, mělo by to jít ale nevim to určitě hrál jsem to převážně na gamepadu
03.01.2013, 15:43:28  David   (aktualizace 03.01.2013, 15:43:28) [Odpovdt] 
Čauvec lidi mám takovej problém.... musím najít všechyn kodexy jsem u 26 a zbylé 4 nemůžu vůbec nidke na mapě najít neví někdo čím to může být?? Nechce se mi to hrát od začátku... ://
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